City of Redlick tx

Welcome to the City of Red Lick, Texas!

The City Council is an elected legislative body with authority to pass municipal, budgets, ordinances, declarations, and proclamations. The City of Red Lick Council consists of 5 Council Members, and 1 Mayor who are elected at large, which means they represent the entire city.

History of the City of Red Lick

City of Red Lick is a small town located off Farm Road 2148 N, about seven miles from Texarkana, TX, and within half a mile of I-30 in northeastern Bowie County. The community began in the 1860s and was named by residents who observed that a nearby red clay hill served as a salt lick for area deer.

By the late 1800s, social life centered around the Red Lick Methodist Episcopal Church, South, founded in 1885. The 2020 census showed the population of the City of Red Lick stands at 946, with 306 single-family residences. The average price of homes is $310,304.

Concerned over the encroachment of nearby Texarkana, residents voted to incorporate the City of Red Lick in 1997. By 2000, the city had a mayor, five aldermen, and a volunteer fire department. The city also boasts an elementary and middle school, with yearly attendance of over 500 students in K-8th grade, located within the city limits.

The City Council has successfully kept the property tax rate as one of the lowest in Bowie County. The 2024 property tax rate is $0.095421 per $100 of property value. For example, if a house is valued at $350,000, the City of Red Lick property tax would be $333.97.

City Hall and Government

Government Departments within our City can be found here. Just select the picture representing what you need and it will bring you to that section

Boards, Commissions & Compliance

The City of Red Lick is responsible for protecting our Community's health, safety and welfare through effective enforcement to resolutions and ordinances. Boards: If you are interested in serving on City of Red Licks Council, please contact City Hall for specific information. The requirements for the council: must be at least 18 yrs old, a resident of City of Red Lick for at least 6 months, a US citizen and willing to work towards the betterment of city of Red Lick without monetary compensation.

Upcoming Events and Activities


March 2024

Council Meeting


April 2024

Council Meeting


May 2024

Council Meeting

Red Lick Overview Services & Top Requests

Meet Council Members

Micheal D Peek


Craig McDuffie

Mayor Pro-Tem, Place 1

Mark Patterson

City Councilmember, Place 2

M J Gilley

City Councilmember Place 3

Kyle McKeever

City Councilmember

What's New in our City

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